This is the million dollar question- Surely you don't think that we are just a cosmic accident, that we were put here on earth just for the purpose of accumulating material possessions and chase wealth and status do you?if so, how do you explain people who have virtually nothing and are happier than people with all the wealth and material possessions one could dream of? There is lots of evidence to suggest that each and everyone of us came to existence with a set purpose , after all, look around you, everything in the universe is made with intelligent purpose, everything on earth was given a set of instructions on how to survive and fulfill a purpose. The trees survive on their own and serve a purpose, animals survive on their own and serve a purpose. They don’t look up what to do and they don’t have a committee of scientists and doctors that tell them what’s good and how to survive. Trees, Birds, dogs, cats, insects, etc’. they all were made with an intelligent design and a knowing of how to survive and what actions and activity to perform in order to fulfill a purpose and survive in the process of fulfilling this purpose. A Bee will need to survive by collecting pollen and that act of survival, accomplishes a purpose of creating a tasty and medicinal substance called Honey and spreading the pollen that makes other plant germinate and thrive so they can fulfill their purpose. This cycle is in all living things including humans.
So what would happen if a living thing detaches from their purpose ? they will not survive and will probably live with great difficulty and will affect other living things down the chain of life. If trees don’t absorb Co2 and release Oxygen in return, we will not have enough oxygen to keep other living things growing and alive.
The same goes for humans. If a human doesn’t live his or her purpose, they are straying from the path that would lead them to a balanced and fulfilling journey and just like all living things on earth, we were given a set purpose.
So what’s the difference between humans and other living things that do fulfill their purpose? Humans have been brainwashed and tempered with since birth!
Trees don’t have Doctors, scientists, religions in their lives to tell them what they are supposed to do and humans since birth have been told what to do, what to believe, who to trust and most importantly, not telling them who they are and through science[which is more like a practice of shaping a belief system rather then knowledge], they created a new set of beliefs that sends a human away from this knowing of an intelligent design and towards a holographic reality that tells them that Hemp is bad and illegal and fluoride is good and is based on the Ego and materialism, so most humans go down that road which takes them away from their true purpose, destiny and health , instead, humans, which were meant to be the most advanced and intelligent species on earth, suffer ill health and complete dissolution, like a tree that lives a fish’s life.
So is your life purpose predestined? the short answer will be ABSOLUTELY!
A pre-destination doesn’t mean every experience and aspect of your life is pre planned, but what it means is, the end purpose and mission is pre destined and how you get their is by free will and intuitive guidance combined. If you are driving to town X, that’s because something led you to want to go to town X[which represents your intuitive guidance leading to your purpose] your goal is to arrive at town X but with free will, you may choose the road there, you may choose the pit stops and you may choose to notice and make the most of the experiences along the way, or you can choose to stress about whether your going to make it and ignore the beautiful scenery, but nonetheless, you will get there. The same goes with each and everyone of us. We’re all pre-destined to fulfill a purpose and our life’s events will be according to this purpose.
You came here with a purpose and your purpose is town X and that is pre-destined and the further away you stray from your purpose through materialism and shallow ego based living, the more disjointed you will be and feel.
Unfortunately we were conditioned to believe that God is outside of us and that there are special people who hold the line to god. Science that conditioned us to believe that their chemicals are the only way to get cured, Media that conditioned us to believe that how you look and what you have is the life you are here to chase.
They made you completely unaware that you are a special creature with an important purpose and everything you need to know, is already within you. A dog knows which foliage to eat when they feel sick and they know about the healing properties of their saliva and simply lick a wound or sore area. They were created with this knowing, they didn’t need a Vet to tell them that. We have been given everything we need from nature in order to lead a healthy life and that includes the knowing required to discover these things, but when we have a corrupt system of health that want to keep us in the dark about this, we unfortunately lose touch with ourselves and our natural capabilities.
Depending on how old you are, just look in hindsight, look back at the movie of your life. the older you are, the more “Film” you would have. Look how everything fell into place through supposedly unrelated events. See how something you perceived as bad, turned out to be a small piece of a larger puzzle. By looking back at your life, you would see evidence of an intelligent designer that has put an order into everything. Nothing happens to you randomly and out of context with something, it’s just that we were conditioned to believe in luck, to believe that life is a random playlist that doesn’t follow a specific genre, that we’re in a race to nowhere, but this could not be further from the truth .We are here with a perfect plan for each and everyone of us and the trick is to not try and give a meaning to everything that happens to us, to not try to figure out everything with our limited conscience mind the trick is to just relax and trust that you’d be told what to do next and enjoy the ride .
There’s an intelligent designer that created everything. It’s the same designer that created the miracle of child birth, the sun and its purpose and the moon and its purpose, it’s the same unbelievably clever designer that created cycles and seasons and their purpose and it created you and your purpose and from this angle, our destiny is pre planned and the road is already mapped out.