Most people see failures and struggles as a negative thing. They think of something they want to achieve, or a certain life they want to establish for themselves, they go for it and if they fail, they get depressed and disappointed, sometimes to the point of giving up on life.We’ve all been told that we can have anything we want in life, we’ve been told that through perseverance we will achieve our goals. Some practice the methods of the Law Of Attraction, positive thinking. some practice will power, all in the hope that it would lead them towards the life they hope to establish for themselves.
Some of the questions you need to ask yourself when setting goals and hopes for yourself are: “why do i want those things?” do i want to achieve a certain thing because i am truly drawn to it? or do i want something because i want to end a struggle or hardship regardless of whether my heart is truly in it ? For instance:
Do you want to start a business to make money and end a financial hardship you may be in? or do you want to have a business that you enjoy regardless of whether it makes money or whether it takes off into a major success? The difference between the two is, when you enjoy what you’re doing, you sit naturally in a divine flow that will lead and guide you along your journey. When you’re doing something to solely end a financial hardship, not only your heart won’t be in it 100%, but you will also rush and be impatient, similar to trying to make a tomato plant grow quicker because you’re trying to end your hunger. The most successful people engage in businesses that first and foremost provide service and interest them regardless of monetary rewards.
The good news is: you can’t really fail. What you might perceive as a failure, is actually a guiding mechanism to help you find your purpose in life. How does this work you ask? Here’s how:
Every action you take, everything you try and fail, cements a thought in your mind. That thought will lead to a certain action that you wouldn’t have taken, had you not failed in the previous action you took. the failure lead to an action that lead you in another direction. This is sometimes called a stepping stone.
Think of a time you perceived as a failure. Lets say a venture you invested in, or an idea you thought was the road to financial freedom. You followed through, you did the work, you invested the money, time or whatever and no matter what you did, it just didn’t yield anything back for you. If anything, it sometimes felt as if your situation just got worse. What happened next? If you didn’t fall into a state of apathy as a result of this failure, did you notice how your thinking changed? this failure guided you to think differently and act differently as if to lead you in the direction you should be heading towards. How many times have you read stories of people saying that a failure was a blessing in disguise? that something that was initially perceived as “disastrous” to them, turned out to be a blessing? The blessing wasn’t in the disaster, the blessing was in the result of the disaster. It made them take a certain action that yielded them a result they never thought of.
When you understand that you have a purpose to accomplish in your lifetime, you will know that your higher self will guide you towards this purpose, and will demolish anything that veers you away from this purpose. So next time you feel like a failure, or struggle to achieve something, just ask yourself, where is this struggle/Failure leading me next? Because ALL failures are a stepping stone to something great. Since your ego is designed to approve actions and define success based on results, most of the time it will not tell you that your failure was a necessary evil, but if you take it on the chin, and carry on, your higher self will reveal this to you when the time and timing is right.