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Writer's picturesoullavee

There’s a big flaw with The Law of Attraction concept.

In an earlier post, i talked about Organized religions and how they were designed to keep you in the Hologram. I explained that through brainwashing and fear mongering, they made you believe that God is a separate entity outside of you and that you have no power or ability to create your life and circumstances. As the Hologram creators must control all aspects of our lives in order to keep you there, don’t be fooled into thinking that they would leave the New Age movement untouched, particularly when it gains more and more following.

One of the most popular subject in the new age movement, is the teaching of the Law Of Attraction [LOA] which i personally find this name to be incorrect, it is NOT a law, i would call it “Power”, a law is something that works every time for everyone whether you want it or not and the traditional LOA doesn’t work every time, not in the way they teach anyway, that’s because not everything you think you want to manifest, is the right thing for you and when you are trying to manifest through the needs of your ego, your higher self will not let it happen if what you’re trying to manifest is not for your highest good. The ego might think that a million bucks will make you happy and trouble free, but your higher self knows that once you have that million bucks, you will have greater problems that you didn’t know existed when you had no money.

Countless books have been written and lectures have been given about the subject and they all seem quite consistent, that in order for you to have the life that you want and attract the stuff that you desire, you must think in a certain way, be positive and believe it is your and it will be. If this was a law, it would have worked every single time!

If this was true and easy as it sounds, there would be no poverty in the world, and everyone would have lived where they want and have everything they want. Is this what your observation is telling you? in fact, how many people do you know, who can testify on the merit of this simple, yet elusive technique?

The LOA teachings are relatively new among most people, in fact, it wasn’t until the movie “The Secret” came out, that this concept gained traction, though many teachers thought it way before the Secret came out and the fact that the creator of the Movie The Secret actually got her inspiration from books that were written decades prior, shows that this concept is very old, in fact, the main inspiration for the movie “The Secret” was a book that was written in the early 1900’s called “The science of getting rich” and the name Law Of Attraction is never mentioned in this book, that’s because it is a relatively new name given to a natural process by the New Age movement and it is flawed.


The general concept of the LOA is that you must ask, believe, receive. You think about what you want, and you paint it in your mind, you think positive, you believe you already have it, and wham! you make it show up in your life and if it doesn’t, it’s because you didn’t believe enough, you had underlying doubt etc’.

They teach that “Like attracts like”, that negative thoughts will attract negative situations, where in truth, the universal law is actually the opposite, it’s “Like REPELS like” or “Opposites attract”

You put two like poles of a magnet together and they’ll repel one another, or two atoms of a like nature will repel each other, this is an ESTABLISHED law and can be easily varified, unlike the “LAW” of attraction.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are most definitely forces out there that are helping you and guiding you, but the traditional teachings of the LOA make these forces as a collective rather than individual and just like religions make god a collective subject that is designed to dis-empower you, ie, he decides, he punishes, he creates and you must just accept his will and follow, the traditional LOA teachings were designed to give you only a small fraction of the full picture and also use unbreakable rules that you must follow that actually harm people rather than help because most people don’t understand that there’s another contributing factor in this manifesting business, your soul! and if what you are trying to manifest is not congruent with your life path, it will not manifest- period!


That’s the basis of the Law of Attraction. If you think negative thoughts, you will create negative a outcome and if you think positive thoughts, you will create a positive outcome.

Now that’s enough to stress you out don’t you think? what if i told you that negative thinking is just as important as positive? from my own experience and observation i can tell you that i have had periods in my life where i was consumed with anxiety and worry that a certain outcome might happen and if it did, it would cause me a major inconvenience and i would just be filled with fear and tremors. The length of time it continued over and the amount of worry that it created, would have had more than enough power to create those negative situations in real life if the LOA really operated like that on it’s own, but they didn’t manifest and in fact, the opposite happened and i always would think Phew! thank god it didn’t happen and sometimes i would laugh at how worried i was over nothing.

This happens because our soul’s journey is in a way protected and what we call “Misfortunes” is actually our higher self trying to point us in the right direction and what we think we want to manifest and fail, may actually be a blessing in disguise.

Situations like that, made me think that there is some sort of organization within the universe, that there is a divine plan of some sort that make things happen in their right time and according to the life path that is chosen by you.

I also been in situations where i tried really hard to manifest something i really wanted and no matter what i did, i kept failing and being disappointed, but instead, something else came out of these failures, something really good, something i haven’t thought about or imagined. So how is this possible that i didn’t create what i was focusing on, and instead, got something completely different that never crossed my mind or something that never received any amount of my attention? remember, the teachers of the LOA stress that you need to be specific, that you need to see it as if you already have it, that you need to give gratitude as if it has already been delivered, so why is it that i didn’t attract the negative fears when giving them a lot of thought and emotions and also didn’t get the things i wanted when giving them a lot of thought and emotions?


If you’ve noticed, everything in the universe and life, comprises of opposite polarities, in fact, without the opposite polarities, life would not exist.

A male needs a Female to create a life, a battery needs negative and positive in order to conduct energy, a day comprises of dark and light and so forth.

A human needs negative and positive just as much in order to keep a flow and expand.

Negative emotions and thoughts, have their reason and are much as part of life as positive emotions are. They need to be expressed and honored just as much and by suppressing them, you are putting a kink in the flow, but society have been conditioned to shun the negative,and basically see negative as bad and through the teachings of the LOA, they put dread into the concept of negative thinking and i’m not talking about a negative character, ie a person who seem to see life from a negative point of view, i’m talking about the negative thoughts that sometimes come into your mind, the ones that you try hard to block in fear they will manifest, don’t worry, they won’t! These negative thoughts can be sometimes described as “Stepping stones” or a nudge to do something about a situation

Think how many times you were forced to do something that yielded good outcome as a result of worry and anxiety? i remember being worried that i wouldn’t be able to pay the rent because i was running out of money and couldn’t find a job, i was so worried and scared that i might have to work for someone and kept imagining working in an office for the rest of my life while i was filling up with dread because i had no idea what else to do. This “Negative time” did not manifest as such, but what it did do, is made me agree to take a small and inconvenient job that led me to the business im running now, which suits me so much, that sometimes i need to pinch myself.

If i was comfortable and constantly trying to block these negative thoughts, i probably wouldn’t have taken this job because optimism would have made me think that i need to wait for the right one.

Society nowadays is mainly an ego based conglomerate and most of us want material stuff and more money because we were conditioned to see it as a magic pill to solve our problems and the traditional teachings of the LOA is mainly about that.

I have never heard any of the teachers of the LOA talk about your soul’s purpose and path as a condition to fast manifestation. Some of them do talk about Divine timing, but they come from the angle that divine timing is the reason it hasn’t manifested now, rather than teach you the possibility that maybe this thing that you think you want, is actually against your Soul’s contract and is most likely derived from your ego mind, hence why some people never manifest their supposed desires no matter what they do and some do manifest their desires and give all the credit to the LOA because they don’t understand that those desires came from their higher self.

You can sometimes see the house you want to live in, but the reason some manifest the exact house they thought about, is because they don’t know that their desire for this particular house, came from their higher self and it’s part of their soul contract to live in this house.

Do you think that the creators of Google, eBay, Facebook etc’ thought about becoming Billionaires? do you think they sat down hours on end and saw themselves flying private jets and living in mentions? i guaranty you they didn’t. What they did do, is follow what was natural to them as part of their soul’s evolution, they simply engaged in what was natural to them and their path which led them to immense riches, but it was not the other way around, they didn’t have vision boards with jet airplanes and beachfront mentions first.

The LOA teachers solved this by saying, if you think in a certain way knowingly or UNKNOWINGLY, you will attract riches and i emphasized unknowingly because this is how they explains why some people struck it rich without consciously practicing the LOA.

Some people were meant to be filthy rich and some aren’t but all of us are meant and designed to have a satisfying and fulfilling lives, but because we are mostly coming from an ego place, we ignore the possibility that there is something else that would give us much more satisfaction and not through the acquirement of monetary wealth, this is the LOA trap, it takes the focus away from your soul’s journey and places it in the ego mind just like religions put God in your ego mind and made him fearsome and punishing and placed him outside of you.

I know a lot of people who would read this might be in a state of cognitive dissonance, after all, the LOA gave them hope that their lives can improve using it, but don’t worry, this so called law works for you whether you think positive or negative, whether you have a vision board or don’t, it’s guidance we were all given access to, it’s your birth right! it’s just that the traditional teachings make it weak and ego based and all i am here to say is, be careful it doesn’t rob you of the life you were intended to live by focusing on your ego wants and missing out on the true life your higher self is trying to guide you towards, the life that YOU chose upon incarnation.

The universe is always conscious of where you need to go and is always giving you indications that you are on the right path, like repeating numbers, synchronicity, sudden urges etc and all you have to do is be and trust the process and the divine plan for your life. our natural state is to BE not DO, hence why we’re human BE-ing and not human DO-ing.

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